Global Security Forum: Age of Insecurity
This World Affairs Council of CT event took place at Goodwin College and discussed the looming threats of China invading Taiwan along with how that would impact the world. They also touched upon ways in which we can be knowledgeable of the future and prepare because the future is both predictable and extremely unpredictable.
Rosh Hashana in the Park
At Elizabeth Park in Hartford CT, a local synagog celebrated the Jewish new year by having a joyous religious service with music, prayer, and apples and honey to symbolize the hope of a sweet year ahead
30 Americans Art Exhibit
This art exhibit was located at the New Britain Museum of American Art and showcased a range of artwork all from Black American artists. There was a range from photography to paintings to sculptures all highlighting what it means to be Black in America.
MASS MoCA & William College Museum of Art
MASS MoCA is one of the largest art museums in the United States showcasing many contemporary artists and their different, styles, exhibits, and collections. After visiting MASS MoCA we went to Williams College Museum of Art.
ADL Never is Now Summit
The ADL Never is Now Summit was held at the Javits Center in NYC
Watkinson's MLK Day Observance
Watkinson's MLK Day
Friday Prayers @ Farmington Valley American Muslim Center
Religious Service at a local Mosque followed by a talk with the Iman and his wife
Connecticut Forum: Misinformation and Finding the Truth
MIsinformation CT forum discussing ways to be conscientious news consumers and how to find the truth in the media leaning away from bias information sources
NYC Trip: World Affairs Counsil and Broadway Show
During the NYC Field Trip Global Studies had a meeting with someone from the UN followed by a viewing of the broadway The Thanksgiving Play. After both of these events, we completed a scavenger hunt around NYC and had free time to take in the sights of NYC.
Social Justice Day at Watkinson
Global Studies Evening
During the Global Studies Evening the Global Studies seniors talked ion a pannel about their Capstone projects and then concluded te evening by answering questions about their topics at their own booth housing their products and important information about what they learned
Final Exam at Parkville Market in Hartford